Look out internet!!!!!! I'm movin' in!!!!!!
TAKEN, BABY!!!!!! This is MYPLACE!
thas right! reserved, and taken by: 2GOODforU00!!!!
uhhh, huhhh!!!! thas right!
I'm movin' in! wait up, don't go, you can ummm... uhhhhh..... get your own space too, I think, at ummm.... uhhhhh....., oh yeah thas right, uhhhh.....
have a blast!!!!
(did I just say "BLAST"?????)
dude, my interests are: soccer, hockey, football,basketball, writing, poetry, killing my teacher,(JOKING!!),hangin' out, eating, sleeping, vacationing,(it's really sleeping too!), I'm boring U right? well feel free to leave at any time! any time. Thas right anytime now!
Favourite links

Teachers who rule your life!!!
It's cool. Cause I made it!!!!

free web cards!
It's really cool. U get to send e cards for free!

the box
Very cool music info. and it rocks!!!!!!!!!!!!

Email me at:
[email protected]

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